0031 - Personal skills
Nota de alcance
Personal skills are defined by reference to the effects on the individual's capacity (mental, social etc.). This detailed field covers personal skills programmes not included in 0011 'Basic programmes and qualifications' or 0021 'Literacy and numeracy', giving key competencies and transferable skills.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:
- Argumentation and presentation
- Assertiveness training
- Communication skills
- Co-operation
- Development of behavioural capacities
- Development of mental skills
- Job-seeking programmes
- Parenting courses
- Public speaking
- Self-esteem skills
- Social competence
- Time management
Education and training in leadership in the context of personal development is included here.
Education and training related to the work place or to work assignments is included in this detailed field if it has more to do with personal development than work development. Personal skills courses can be taught at the workplace, but still be classified here based on their content.
Programmes for people with special needs on how to cope with their daily life are included here.
Study of leadership in the context of management is excluded from this group and included in detailed field 0413 'Management and administration'.