0211 - Audio-visual techniques and media production

Nota de alcance

Audio-visual techniques and media production is the study of techniques and skills to produce books or newspapers, radio or TV production, film or video production, recorded music production and graphic reproduction. It includes programmes and qualifications in methods of colour reproduction, photography and computer graphics. Study of combining pictures, words and decorations in the production of books, magazines, posters, adverts etc. is also included.

Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here:

  • Animation
  • Bookbinding
  • Camera operating
  • Compositing (printing)
  • Computer game production
  • Computer type-setting
  • Film and video production
  • Graphic design
  • Graphic reproduction
  • Illustration
  • Interactive media design
  • Media techniques
  • Multimedia production
  • Photography
  • Pre-press operations
  • Print finishing and binding
  • Printing
  • Publishing design, lay-out
  • Radio and TV production
  • Recorded music production
  • Sound techniques
  • Type-setting


Desktop publishing and lay-out are included here.


Programmes and qualifications in the use of specific software applications for desktop publishing and website development are excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0611 'Computer use'.

Study of journalism (wording and content of messages) is excluded from this detailed field and included in detailed field 0321 'Journalism and reporting'.